December 28, 2010
Hi Guys! Just arrived from HK-Macau yesterday and I'm back in the province! I've made 2 trips to HK-Macau this year, 20 days apart (one with my friend and another with family). For the next couple of posts, I will be featuring articles on Macau and Hong Kong. Some of the articles are up and the succeeding articles I'll be featuring a What's in cluded in a HK and Macau Half-Day Tour, a sort of Save and Splurge special on hotels, a couple of delicious spots to eat, 2 shopping hotspots in HK and shops to check out, and MAYBE a Vlog about my shopping hauls. What do you think about the Vlog, Go or bust? :) 'til the next trip!! :) Bicol, here we come!!!Love,

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